* Available with wider or narrower nose for custom orders*
Customer Reviews:
" Dear Christine. I received my board last Sunday, and surfed it all week here in Hawaii. The surf was small, about 2 to 4 feet at Bowles. I just want to say that of all the boards that i own, and have surfed; this board is tops. It is an amazing ride. I can’t say enough good things about it. Really; it is an amazing piece of astral surfing equipment (no I am not stoned at the moment). From the very first wave, the Bandito exceeded all of my expectations. Enough said; I will be surfing the damn things until my arms give out. Remember, I am 74, so about two hours plus is it for me at a session. FYI I like the smaller fin because it lets the board turn reasonably fast for such a large stick. I only have some problems in the white wash when it goes a little wobbly on me. I could fix this with a larger fin, but then I would miss those top turns which this board excels at. Also; I can catch anything short of a small boat wake with it. i try to be kind to my neighbors in the water (most of whom I know) and be a gentleman about taking all the waves. Anyway; sending you lots of Aloha; and thanks again for this incredible board. warmly, Jim"